7 Chakra Lapis Lazuli Healing Stick

MOQ : 5pcs

Weight : 100g

Size: 4.5" to 7"

7 chakra lapis lazuli Healing Stick combination of lapis lazuli connected to quartz crystal pencil and ball on the top and gemstones embedded at wholesale price.

This 7 Chakra Lapis Lazuli Healing Stick is fabulously designed, from top quality lapis lazuli rough. The wand comes embedded with 7colors gemstone in the wand. The 'Lapis lazuli' stone base provides a strong foundation to this wand. The 7 chakra lapis lazuli Healing Stick displays wonderful contrasts of oxides and iron to give it a deep blue tone. The crystal ball on the top and the crystal pencil at the base have been perfectly crafted to communique positivity where ever its carried.