It could be that the person is interested in buying Merkaba star. There are several online sites that do offer authentic merkaba star for sale at affordable rates. Merkaba means ancient and tends to carry great spiritual transformation energy.
What is the Merkaba Star?
Also known as Mer-Ka-Bah healing crystal, it tends to carry the energy and meaning of a person associated with divine light and generally used by Realm Walkers and Healers and the Masters who travel through the Astral realms. It also helps to connect properly with the Light real beings and is regarded to be an Ascension tool.
- Mer stands for connecting thread light
- Ka stands for Astral self or the Spirit
- Ba stands for Physical Self or the Body
Providing opportunity
It can be safely stated that the Merkaba configuration helps to provide opportunity to go through people’s thoughts across time. They are regarded to be safe guards always remembering and honoring. Casual effects cannot be committed willfully. These are also considered to be the perfect self healing tools as well as advanced techniques of Reiki.
According to Sacred Geometry, this tool is based upon primal pattern and love that created all things, the universes, both invisible and visible. Being constructed as 3D Star of David, it also means that 3D interlocking triangle is present. It tends to mean that Realms intersect and merge Humans and the Divine together – Realm Walking and Shamanic Healing. When the healer is concerned, it means the healing powers and gifts are amplified and there is awakening of personal Divine spark.
How the Merkaba is to be used?
By using Merkaba, helps to surround the being with powerful energy spirals. It is regarded to be a symbolic spirituality of Wheels present within Wheels image to transport the Seeker towards higher thoughts, states of being and lessons, while travelling on a Journey Quest. Hold, meditate, breathe and anoint.
The next level
Present within the White Realm, people are said to rise to next level. As soon as one phase of the journey gets accomplished, and everything that is within the means has been done, the spirit responds by merging the future/present/past selves. According to the experts, practiced meditation can help to draw the person in Spirit through time and also enable him to heal his inner self with great courage, strength, patience, support and comfort, especially when the need is the most. Rather, it is the person’s Light Time Capsule that helps him to get transported between different dimensions. When shopping for 20 point Merkaba, self healing meditation has been included.
Other aspects to know
Merkaba healing crystals are also well known for the Light body’s activation that gets merged with physical Body with regards to the awakening of deep spiritual transformation. Such Quartz Merkaba Stars being a Healers Tool is said to be a focused intention pulse, not just for transverse distance healing, however, also to reach across the Astral Realms to affect healing with time. By practicing it continuously, it becomes possible to send energy across time, so as to extend the journey quest within the Astral Realms. Merkaba Star having 20 points does contribute towards its capability to radiate outward programmed intent.
In order to enjoy the benefits, it will be useful to heed the recommendations of the healthcare provider and to buy wholesale merkaba star only from certified online stores.